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Monday, March 22, 2010

Rain gets in the way...

I had taken all these pictures on sunny Saturday, hoping to entice you in to your gardens on Sunday for some planting.  And while Sunday's weather wasn't all that bad, I felt bad about doing a post on the nursery when I looked outside and saw rain this morning.

Good news, the rest of the week is supposed to be a bit nicer.  And what a great way to work off the stress of a long day at work - start digging!


This week's featured plant is garlic!


Here's one I hadn't seen before. It's some sort of sedum, and I like how twisty it is.


The nursery is stocked and ready for spring (Happy Spring, by the way!). Are you?


1 comment:

  1. That sedum grows like crazy! My sister has some beds covered with it in Elbe. She gave me a bag full pulled from the yard and I forgot about it, after I dumped it out, it was going to town. So it'll do fine anywhere it can sprout.


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