If you're like me, you can't wait for Black Friday. Not for the shopping. Nope.
What then?
The annual opening of The Christmas Box! The box I don't open all year long until the Friday after Thanksgiving. The box my kids know they are not allowed to touch during any other part of the year. November 27th, 2009 will be when the decorations come out, I start humming "Jingle Bells" (to the dismay of Dale) and the kids have an entire month to annoy me with the singing snowman decoration. I love Black Friday.
Also on Black Friday, the Yakima Fruit Market will re-open for Christmas trees. Get your bargain shopping out of the way, put on a good pair of shoes, and stop by to grab a tree. Santa's elves* will be ready to assist you!
*Elves: Median age of twenty-something strong young men and women who brave the cold and the sap and the needles to make sure your trees are securely tied to your roof.
Hoorah! Back in action!Love from Melinda